
Jul 23, 2010


I wasn’t sure what to think of the LOST series finale. I know a lot of people didn’t like it but I think I did. I’m just a little confused on a few things and I’m really looking forward to when Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof start doing interviews and answering a few unanswered questions. I think I enjoyed the finale, it wasn’t the best finale ever but I still think LOST is possibly the greatest show ever. They took me on quite the adventure of wtf is going on and what’s gonna happen next, the whole show, from beginning to end. I’m satisfied. When the series box set comes out in August, I want to buy it and re-watch the whole show and make my final decision then.

24 finally ended and well, nothing really special happened. It ended like a normal season. I hear there’s a movie in the works and I’m guessing that’s why they ended it like that. I posted that Smallville should also be cancelled and I got my way lol, only Heroes got cancelled with it. Now I feel obligated to catch up on Smallville and watch the last season next season and watch the last season or two of Heroes to see how it ended.

If I had to Marry a Celebrity…

And it was life or death and there was no divorcees or outees, it had to be the rest of my life. Hands down it would be Drew Barrymore.
Well it used to be hands down but we’ll get to that later. I know a lot of my friends aren’t fans of Drew Barrymore but me personally, I love her. I didn’t think with my dick on this one. She’s not the hottest celebrity ever but I think she’s still pretty hot and just really really cute. I love her personality and more importantly, I think we’d have a blast together. She looks like so much fun, like the fun would never end. Sure there’d be rough times, but that’s just every relationship, I don’t think they’d last very long either. Problem is, she’s kinda getting older, no offense Drew Barrymore, in the .0000001% chance you ever reads this.
Now lets think with my penis. If I had to pick one celebrity to sex the rest of my life, hands down, no debates here, it would be Julianne Hough. She’s so smoking hot. She meets all my really hot girl qualities. I’d give her the rare 10 out of 10 on the hotness scale. Cool thing with her is she’s a singer now so I could be her drummer and we’d both be doing what we love together and on our off time she can teach me to dance! Only problem with Julianne is I think she might be mormon/lds. I don’t have anything against them, it’s just I kinda like to party and I’m pretty sure partying is against the mormon rules, the way I like to party anyways, haha.