I used to not like yogurt at all but lately i've been giving a lot of foods I wouldn't normally try a chance. My roommate Brandon eats a lot of yogurt and one day he gave me some. It was nothing like the last time I had tried it. Last time it tasted kinda tarty or like it had this weird acidic after taste but this time it was really good. It tasted the way i'd imagine it to taste, sorta like pudding. So last week I bought all sorts of different flavors to try. I wanted to see what I liked and what I didn't like. I got French Vanilla, Cheesecake, Strawberry Shortcake, Cinnamon Roll, Boston Cream Pie, Very Cherry and Cherry Cobbler. So far i've liked every one of them EXCEPT for the Cherry flavored ones. I like Cherries and Cherry flavored things but for some reason the Cherry Yogurts weird me out a little bit. I can definitely eat them, it doesn't gross me out or anything but something just feels odd when I eat it.
p.s. I've never tried real Boston Cream Pie, I guess i'm gonna have to put that one my to do list.
Now playing: Steel Panther - Death To All But Metal
via FoxyTunes
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