
Sep 23, 2009

YES man saying NO to FUN....

I've been in school in roughly a month now and i've noticed i'm falling right back into my old habits. Its definitely hard to get home and have friends drinking every night and not want to party with them. I'd say most of my life I'd consider myself a YES man. Even before the movie defined a Yes man. That's why I loved that movie so much. I was always down to try something new, try everything life had to offer. I think maybe thats my problem with getting things done. I want to do homework to learn and pass class, but what if I died at the end of the week and wasted all my time doing homework when I could have hung out with my friends. If I were to live every day like it was my last, than i'd definitely party 24/7. I really have to work on changing my mindset. I have to start learning to say NO. I have to learn to say NO TO FUN. It's gonna be very difficult, but I think I can do it.

Now playing: Kings of Leon - Notion
via FoxyTunes

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