I woke up this morning feeling good. This last week has been probably one of the best weeks I’ve had in Santa Monica/LA. I think it may be because of the Hostel. It’s been an adventure. So I wake up today and head to Jamba Juice to start my day with a Strawberry Whirl with a soy protein boost and a 3G charger and it was delish obviously. Oh and they were playing Vanilla Ice’s Ice Ice Baby lol.
On the way there I saw a random guy break into dance on the street lol. I was like what?! but ok, I’m feelin it. Then the bus was right on time lol and again, there was a girl on the bus who randomly broke into dance, and she was gettin low, I’m guessing she was listening to Ludacris’ How Low Can You Go. Also, there was two incredibly hot girls from Australia, one was blonde. How do I know they were from Australia? I overheard their accents aand this old lady started randomly questioning them lol, it was great. I went to storage to grab my gym clothes and rode my bike to the gym. It was probably the first time I’ve gone into the gym in maybe a little under a year. I got my work out on, felt great, came back to the hostel, showered, went to walk around Santa Monica and decided to get corn dogs at the original Hot Dog on a Stick.
I’m not even kidding, on the way there, another girl randomly breaks into dance. It’s like the Pied Piper was following me today. While I was in line, there was this black guy on his skateboard whistling for people to like get out of way because he was coming down the hill and for the most part people moved but there was this kid who didn’t get that whistling meant get out of the way, so the skater guy accidently kinda hits him and it knocks him off balance and he goes straight into the beach sand lol. On the way back I looked for a bar that would be showing the UFC fight tonight. I saw a lot of street performances. Two drummers! and good ones. So there went my dreams of being a drumming street performer in Santa Monica lol. One place was charging a cover and everyone else wasn’t showing the fight.
Luckily I ran into Cabo Cantina. No Cover. and Rampage lost, that was the only downer the day really. I should mention that there was beautiful girls everywhere all day today. Also while walking on 3rd st. I heard the Outhere Brother’s Boom Boom Boom Let me here you say Wayoh! The night ended with people coming from the bars and I met this girl who was at the hostel, she was definitely intoxicated lol, her name was Alexa Castillo.
She had some deep things to say lol. She was very intriguing. She saw my shirt
and it inspired her to come up with a bikini and thats when we found out she was a fashion designer. She’s a fan of using you as a brand, not what you wear and using clothes to express yourself without labels, or something like that. What a day.
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