
Sep 14, 2016

ill.Methodology Workshop - Chapter 1 (Mentor 002)

6:34   "I'm pulling out my hair trying to learn this stuff... and it's a nightmare. I was trying to do every step of the process, at the same time, in a completely unstructured way and, I was just overthinking everything and it was hell." 

8:25    "One of the biggest mistakes I was making was I was trying to do every step of the process all at the same time, I was trying to learn, while I was trying to set up new soft synths, while I was trying to do sound design, while I was trying to mix, while I was trying to write, while I was trying to create, while I was trying to analyze, and my brain was going fifty million directions at once and nowhere at the same time."

(Those last two statements hit home)

11:31 (NIGHTTIME SESSIONS) preparatory and (DAYTIME SESSIONS)writing sessions

Basically in the NIGHTTIME (3 Hours or less) Sessions, not likely to finish a song, so don't start one.
  • watch Youtube tutorials
  • learn a new soft synth
  • program sample multi's
  • program racks for your library
  • fix the wiring in your studio
  • practice drumming or playing the piano, etc etc etc
  • dig through your sample CD's
12:05   "Maintaining a library is so important.. a stack of sample CD's in a folder called samples is not a library, a bunch of presets that are in the native VST plug in format in your VST's is not a library."

  • Composing
  • Writing
  • Arranging
  • Anything else that is not that (NIGHT TIME SESSIONS)
12:36 "You don't write music by thinking, You write music by doing."

Start the day with writing. Get all your thoughts out.

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